Approximately 1000 people attended the secret one night only Chang Urban Pulse event on February 24th. Located in a massive air plane hanger size stage at Infinite Studios.

Branded SugarWiFi Tower for #changurbanpulse event
The event consisted of Muay Thai fights, beat boxing and break dancers along with epic beats supplied by Lush FM.

SugarWiFi custom branded HTML splash page for Lush FM 99.5 and Chang Beer
Lush FM collaborated with Chang Beer to bring in SugarWiFi to provide a seamless social wifi experience for its event attendees.
Lush FM tasked SugarWiFi with improving the attendees experience by providing a branded WiFi network for attendees.
The network was called Chang x Lush FM WiFi and consisted of strategically placed WiFi towers using Cisco Meraki hardware with SugarWiFi analytics software to deliver a reliable and robust WiFi experience and seamless Facebook login.
“The SugarWiFi team are fast, informative and easy to work with. This was a fun way for us to collaborate with partners and connect with potential new listeners.” – Vanessa F. Programme Director Lush 99.5FMÂ
SugarWiFi helped Lush 99.5 FM build its database of new listeners and engage them with distinct marketing materials.