3 Ways To Improve Email Marketing Campaigns For Restaurants & Retail

3 Ways To Improve Email Marketing Campaigns For Restaurants & Retail

Email marketing get’s a bad rap. People think it ends up in their spam inbox. Those beliefs are based on the fact that we feel overwhelmed by all the useless emails we receive. However, there is a big difference when those emails are prevalent and important to us.

When customers derive a tangible benefit from the email communication, marketers get actual return on investment.

According to the Direct Marketing Association, Email Marketing yields an estimated 4,300 percent ROI. Every dollar spent on email marketing offers a return of $44, says ExactTarget.

In addition, customers are responding to Restaurant & Retail Email Marketing.

Data from smartinsights.com demonstrates that restaurants have an open rate of 21.79% and 1.30% click thru rate. While retail locations have an email open rate of 21.44% and 2.65% click thru rate.

With that said, here are 3 ways to improve improve email marketing for your restaurant or retail business.

  1. Personalise Your Emails

Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue. – DMA

You personalise your email marketing by targeting it towards specific customers. For example, your business wants to let It’s customers know it has a 1 for 1 beer promotion. Therefore, this email should be targeted towards men who are ages 21-45. Because, men of legal drinking age are more likely to relate to this promotion. Where as if you had a 1 for 1 wine promotion you would target females who are ages 21 – 45 instead.

This tactic increase the ROI of your email marketing. Customers feel as if they are being spoken to directly and not being spammed with information that does not interest them.


  1. Mobile Optimise Your Emails

According to Tech Crunch, 75% of Gmail’s 900 million users access their accounts on mobile devices.

Thanks to mobile strategies email marketing is more effective than ever in 2016. Customers are opening their emails for the first time on their iPhones and Android devices.

As a result, marketers need to harness the power of email clients and optimise their campaign design and copy for a mobile interface.


  1. Automate Your Emails

Automated email messages average 70.5% higher open rates and 152% higher click-through rates than “business as usual” marketing messages. – Epsilon Email Institute

If you do not automate your emails you marketing with be less efficient and customers will receive marketing form you at times that are not relevant to them.

For example, when a customer walks into your venue for the first time. You would notify them of an instore promotion the moment they walk through the door. This increases the chance they will act upon this information and make the purchase decisions you want them too. In comparison, if you did not automate this same email and they received it while they are at home or work they are less likely to act upon this information.

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